Conference Brainstorming Results

Thank You for Brainstorming on Vista Ideas!


One of the big take-aways from each PDS UGA conference event is the outcome of the PDS UGA Brainstorming process. Many conference attendees rave about the value that they gain during this important networking event. Imagine collaborating with your peers and learning that a feature you’ve been wishing for had been available, but had been secured via Vista Security for so long that no one remembered it! (This has happened!)

At our PDS UGA conferences, representatives from the PDS user community gather input and provide PDS with their Vista enhancement ideas and product development suggestions. This interactive, problem-solving event takes place during two User Conference Brainstorming sessions. Pre-conference, attendees choose how they wish to be grouped, by selecting their main application area: HR, Recruiting, Benefits, Payroll, HRIS Administrators, Technical, or part of a Canadian team. This allows the group to focus on, and prioritize features that will be of most interest to themselves. We also feature a Demonstration team, so that attendees that are new to PDS and the Vista product, have an opportunity to see learn more about Vista during their time together.

Using input gathered from these groups the PDS Product team gathers an excellent collection of new feature suggestions. This valuable feedback helps PDS develop future release strategies based upon what we hear directly from our customers! The PDS Product team has broken down improvement ideas, and where possible, folded suggestions into planned projects and identified timelines to include new features. Work is well underway on a variety of functionality to meet your requests.

Visit the PDS Support site for more Brainstorming details. And watch for future Vista updates where we will highlight enhancement ideas that you asked for and make them part of the base product. Yes, your votes directly impact PDS product releases! This is another way that we listen to YOU!

What Customers Say


“My coworkers are excited to implement features we have not yet embraced. It will be interesting to see if their enthusiasm continues through implementation. Time is always our biggest enemy.”


– Star Brophy, Interurban Transit Partnership, The Rapid

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