Over the years, PDS has formally recognized leaders nominated by their organizations. This is a tremendous opportunity for companies to recognize the people who have worked with the Vista software. It’s easy and costs nothing!
Recognition is a powerful motivator and is one of the things employees appreciate as much as a monetary reward. We all know how hard our teams work, so why not recognize an individual or team who has exemplified outstanding leadership with your Vista software? Do you have a person who has worked tirelessly on an upgrade? Someone who has innovated a new way of working and saved others hours of work? Perhaps someone has successfully created a Workflow process to streamline procedures. It doesn’t matter the project or person, it can be someone from IT, HR, Benefits or Payroll.
If there is someone in your office you would like to recognize for their contributions to your Vista project, the process is simple. This week you’ll receive an email from the UGA Steering Committee announcing Leadership Awards for the 2019 PDS Users Group Conference. You simply complete the form Leadership Award PDF or Leadership Award Excel with the nominee’s information along with a short write up of what the employee’s, dedication and accomplishments within Vista have mean to your company. That’s it, except waiting until the conference when your award will be presented. At the closing ceremony of the conference, your write up will be read aloud to all conference attendees and a beautiful award presented.
I for one, can attest to the powerful motivator receiving an award can be. I have been the recipient of two awards over the 20 years that I have used the PDS product and can say that I would go back more energized than ever. These awards are proudly displayed in my office and a constant reminder of my hard work and the recognition I received.
Meribeth Carter
US Director, Human Resources Operations
Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP