Vista Analytics supports drilling down from one Analytic to another or from an Analytic to a targeted Vista web page. But what if you want to drill down to different web pages depending on your chosen measure or dimension (or if drilling down to another Analytic, to have it display differently depending on these choices)? For example, if you are in an Analytic reviewing employee skills you might want to eventually drill down to the employee skills page. But if you had switched your analytic to review licenses or educational degrees you would want to automatically drill down to the appropriate licenses or degrees page. Vista supports this.
Here is a simplistic example of a user switching from a graph view of data to a grid view of the same data, then drilling down to another analytic (that in this case is simple list of people), and then from there to a Vista page where that information can be viewed or maintained (as per the user’s security). Using this feature, you can provide “highly actionable” analytics for your users.
Review previous article in the series: Variable Measure Analytics
Go to next article in the series: Conclusion
Go to beginning of the series: Introduction
Marco Padovani
Senior Development Manager